Write a unique difference between a function and a stored procedure.
we want build 10ft height ,tostore 4 litresof water.what is theground basement for steel andcement andsand.please send us basment calculation?
What is the function of linear dataset in vsam?
What id url?
What is use keyword in laravel?
List out loop breaking functions?
What is test result analyzer?
if u r gettin more pay from another company, wht will u do....? 1.u will leave us an join tht company an y
If you are using c language to implement the heterogeneous linked list, explain what pointer type will you use?
What is a composite primary key?
Which is faster join or subquery in oracle?
Explain the advantages of packages in java?
How gold can be separated from mercury?
Is java se open source?
What is the type of earth fault protection used in battery? explain.