list the locations where different active directory databases are held
What is the use of contextloaderlistner in spring mvc?
Which infotypes are not delimited when an employee leaves the company?
How can you tell what shell you are running on unix system?
How to create share table record using apex? : salesforce sharing and security
Tell me what is the difference between accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense?
What kind of job profile you are looking for?
What is an rss feed podcast?
How does selection sort work in c?
hi am b,tech 2011 passedout now am learnig ROR technology may i knw what is the feature of this one and what is the salary ranges to this i heard there is a less salaries to this technology give me valuable suggestions
On what basis do you decide the ONAN (Oil Natural air natural) or Dry type transformer for a project?
How do you grep?
How do you anchor in html?
Explain fact structure?
How to use element in xslt?