What database is used by amazon?
Explain About namespaces
Write a query to fetch duplicate records from a table using mysql?
How do neurologists collaborate with other medical specialists to provide comprehensive patient care?
What is the name of vice used in fitting shop?
Where is objective c used?
What is bmc stands for in bmc software?
How to create nested web page in html?
How can we find that which type hybridyzation in perticular compound like in CH4(hy is sp3)?
What is favicon?
How will you do the 'copy planning versions in r/3'
What causes the "No suitable driver" error?
Explain about iphone application development?
How do I align text in word?
You suspect that you have two commands with the same name as the command is not producing the expected results. What command can you use to determine thelocation of the command being run?