What are the steps in fashion forecasting?
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Hi friends, As we all know (Net Present Value)The Currency value decrease every year.How to assign the net present value in asset accounting. If we use that concept say for ex. the asset value is for 10 years.if we use NPV method the asset the asset life willbe less than that na.How to use that? Ram.
Explain how to detect the resolution of my device?
How will you insert a column in a table?
How to check standalone or embedded solr is being used in hybris multi channel suite?
What is content editor web part?
Tell me the steps for Import and Export Thanks
How to get largest and smallest number in an array?
What is union?
how can we calculate steel value, depending on load
Explain how flexibility is achieved more in css3?
What is step scope in spring batch?
Which hibernate object wraps the jdbc connection?
Sir,I am going to sit for IOCL written test exam. recently.Can anyone tell me the name of 'Objective type Question Book on Instrumentation Engineering ' which will help me. Pl. mail to bidyut_71@rediffmail.com / bidyut.saha2008@indiatimes.com / bidyut.saha09@yahoo.in