What is synchronization? What are the ways you can synchronize?
For better search what we can do in drupal 7?
What is prepared statement in mysql?
How to calibrate or test an LT Air Circuit breaker 440 volts, 35 KA, 800 Amps ?
How to Delete directory and files recursively from HDFS?
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Explain dependency injection?
What loop means?
what is biorelivent dissolution media?
Bootstrap multiple form types i.e. Horizontal, inline and basic have similar views when they are viewed under 768px devices? Yes or no explain?
Explain IPC?
How to report calorific values of fuel?
What is ctrl f3?
i have to give lap joint fo 1Mtr steel of dia12mm,whenever i did mistake i cut less 5cm plz tell me how much i will give lap joint so that length comes 1Mtr
what is user defined functions? : Sql dba