Does Microsoft Corporation, Sun Microsystems possesing any maturity levels?if yes, what is that level?
1 5496Post New CTS Interview Questions
What operations does rdd support?
How do you define a user story?
What are static resources? : salesforce admin
What are the differences between forwarding () method and sendredirect() methods?
What steps are needed in developing and running a software test?
What are the contents in an effective Bug report?
How can I change object description or check point values in qtp?
What is meant by inheritance and what are its advantages?
selection criteria of control valve? and selection criteria of actuator explain in brief?
How to represent ENUMs and SETs internally?
Explain about the Decision Tree rule?
What are the difference between now and current_date in mysql?
What is the name of the membrane that delimits the nucleus? To which component of the cell structure that membrane is contiguous?
Describe difference between inline and code-behind?
What is the @bean annotation?