What are the virtualization tools in devops ?
How do you know if your hard drive is dying?
What is $@ in shell?
How do you make a cell active in excel?
Brief us all about what you know about Hughes Systique.
What is house keeping in assembler?
What are the differences between PIG and SQL?
What is linest function in excel?
What number distinctive annotations is accessible in objective-c?
How to use ids to override classes in css?
In apron feeder how TPH is calculated?
A man purchase 1 Nokia mobile net price 10000 discount 25% than half of the amount cash & half of the amount check?
Explain mutating triggers.
Define channel in ibm websphere mq?
1.what is the difference between snr and cnr?why cnr is used in satellite communication? 2.prove that power spectral density of gaussian noise os n/2