What is the simplest html page?
How do you handle change request?
What is the purpose of using package.json in the angular project?
What does the initials of php stand for?
If you are a team lead in any IT company, and two employees are under your supervision. If one employee is good and other cannot behave professionally and personally, then how will you handle this situation?
What is known as duet?
What is the purpose of ubuntu?
What are the laws of gyro-dynamics?
How do we overload functions in actionscript?
Is windows live mail being discontinued?
I know that in version ECC6 exists the functionality of document splitting like this: If an Invoice is for 11,000/-.Then we write the GL as : vendor A/C Dr XXXX to Purchase 1 XXX to Purchase 2 XXX to Tax XX But through Document Splitting we can write it based on the %age of sharing as 80 : 20%.. Vendor A/c 8,800(DR) Purchase A/C 8,000(Cr) Tax 800 (Cr) Vendor A/C 2,200 (Dr) Purchase 2000(Cr) Tax 200(Cr) This is called Document Splitting But when you talk about tax, you mean a line item created manually like tax or a document where you complete the tax code and the line is created automatically? Thanks a lot in advance. REgards,Lorena
How can an HTMLCollection be traversed?
What are the uses of pointers?
Where are the routing rules defined in an asp.net mvc application?
Which is the best spark certification?