What's a negative index?
Explain how to create arrays?
Can I use chkdsk on ssd?
Drupal can run on command line?
How many forms can you create in a Visual Basic 6 Standard EXE project? Is there any limit on that?
If we transfer 100 files by ftp to remote server, how to know the files are successfully transfer or some file are not transferred?
How do you customize a table in excel?
Repository user profiles
What is the difference between Sleep and wait in winrunner what is integration testing and types of testing present what is system testing what is data driven testing what is functionality testing if requirements are given to you then how do you write the test cases for it Account number = Ok cancel For above given form the valid account number starts from 1 to 1000 so is it necessary to input the 1,2,3 ….998,999,1000 test cases to check the conditions of valid account numbers I,e is it compulsory to write 1000 test cases for the above form
How are the elements of a gridbaglayout organized in java programming?
What is single node cluster in Hadoop? for what all purposes Hadoop run on a single node cluster?
How to select the total numbers of fire extinguisher installed in a room ?
What is the shortcut key for creating a hyperlink?
Why functions are used in sql server?
What will be the output of the code:def foo (i=[])?