how to find the resistance and gap volatage of the diode??
What is max pooling?
How to handling error and logging it?
Why do we need apache server?
Please explain what is a relative xpath?
What is RSSP in GSM???????
What is the purpose of default constructor?
What is the meaning of extention?
I am a electrical engg. diploma holder,applied for junior engineer (electrical),Kolkata RRB. Have I to attend all electrical,mechanical&civil portion in written exam.???
Give me an example of real web service?
What is the benefit of ms excel?
describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures
What is morphology-based operations?
Explain me a situation in which you've been required to use your communication skills in order to get the job done? : insurance health
I use a large spreadsheet on a daily basis with 31 worksheets (one for each day of the month). Each worksheet is huge.i would like to insert another sheet in theworkbook and insert a button to copy another worksheet to the end of the workbook and then rename the sheet to the correspondingday of the month?