What is the last date for filing of returns for TDS, ESI, PF, Professional Tax, Income Tax, Service Tax and Income Tax?
21 116635For small size, high frequency coils, the most common core material is- a. )Air b. )Ferrite c.) Powdered ion d.) Steel
11 20459Rich man keeps me in the pocket poor man throws me away kids eat me its tamil word _u_e_l who am i?
26 77784Post New Balaji Interview Questions
How do you handle datasets larger than 50 gb?
What do most vaccines function as?
What is the need of Trial Balance?
How are exchange rates maintained in sap?
Describe about the foreignness of a molecule, which makes a substance antigenic?
What is the difference between character 23 and x23?
what is web service in java? have u use before.
Hi, I completed MCA in 2006.After studied Informatica,SQL server and basics of reporting tool in one of the training center in chennai.I got subject knowledge only.But I didn't go any job because I scared to face real time.Anyone please advice how can I enter again into this and anyone provide real time exposure with project.
Explain how scripts are run in groovy?
what is Accounting Standers?
Explain briefly the string addressing mode with the help of an example?
What do you use powerpoint for?
Explain in the url identify portal and component name?
What is core java and j2ee?
What are the main features in angular js?