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Balaji Interview Questions
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What is the last date for filing of returns for TDS, ESI, PF, Professional Tax, Income Tax, Service Tax and Income Tax?

21 117266

For small size, high frequency coils, the most common core material is- a. )Air b. )Ferrite c.) Powdered ion d.) Steel

11 20908

Rich man keeps me in the pocket poor man throws me away kids eat me its tamil word _u_e_l who am i?

26 78714

what r you reqired for concrete baching plant?


what is a type of graphite in cast iron?

3 5936

Post New Balaji Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is a Parameterized constructor?


Do I need microsoft visual c++ 2005 redistributable?


suppose we received goods from H.O.The sisterconcern received it.wat will be the entries if tge S.C.sells it from here.


What is the use of rss feed?


How would you organize your javascript code?


In source system we have os - windows BO - 5.1.5. with webi 2.7.1 Repository database - oracle Reports database - Oracle and DB2 Nearly we have 1200 reports in present system , i want to move as it is to new hardware os- windows bo- 5.1.5 with webi2.7.1 repository - oracle reports - oracle and db2 let me know is there any migration techniques in same version. thanks in advance Usha


Which namespace do the classes, allowing you to support COM functionality, are located?


How to redirect a page in php?


What is bdd framework.


How to extract metadata for the entire database?


Give the common name for the phenomenon which is the result of sunlight reflecting off the earth and faintly illuminating the darkened portion of the moon?


Mention the two types of Relational Data stored in HANA?


What was the first microsoft product?


vat return dates for uttrakhand


I've an interview for post of Lecturer in a ece Department. Can anyone send me some possible questions that can be helpful for me???????