What is ELT? Or What is the difference between ODI and other ETL Tools?
What is the use of microsoft access 2010?
Name the property which is on a combo box do you set with a column name, prior to setting the data source, to display data in the combo box?
How we Provided Security design, configuration, and support for SAP Enterprise Portals
How is a type of file defined in the jcl that executes the cobol program?
Explain what you understand by function overloading.
Explain what is bdoc in crm? What are the types or classes of bdoc?
In general, how do you optimze any sql in teradata?
Why do you want to be a part of Amazon?
What is the difference between new and malloc functions?
What is the use of console application?
What are the benefits of .net framework?
What is the process chain?
Tell us something about yourself in one minute?
Did any one completed CSTE certiication? can u send sample question papers? how to apply that? pls send it to my mail id - dsnathi@gmail.com THANKS IN ADVANCE