Post New Corporation Bank Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
What is cobol?
Is wpf an mvc?
Where is the root directory?
Draw a circuit diagram in which if button is open we can use socket and bulb as a series test circit and if button is close than simple we can use socket as any load purpose.
What do you mean by qtp?
Explain how does the JMS work with the J2EE?
Can you decode websphere keystore xor?
Why refrigeration is done inside aircraft, and why aircraft body is made of aluminums?
What is clustered and nonclustered index in sql?
What are standard reports? : salesforce admin
for report generation which one you used proc report or data_null_?
Can corba application have call back?
Why instance based learning algorithm sometimes referred as lazy learning algorithm?
Did integral membrane transport proteins arise as an independent protein class or from other types of proteins?
What is column store db? Explain with an example.