Does treeset use compareto?
Why we calculate supplier PPM (Part Per Million).WE can calculate Supplier performance in % also, why PPM ?
where does 22kv line starts
What are the different versions of PVDM?
Explain what are the new features in 8.0 compared to 7.1?
What is the difference between html5 and html?
What is your expected date of graduation if you are still in school? If you have already graduated, what was your graduation date?
What is cure?
At the starting of dc motor and syn.motor and induction motor high current flowing through the winding. Due to this the windings burnt out. To avoid this different types of starters are used. But incase of transformer what Will be used (At starting no emf is induced in the primary winding)?
How many objects resides in ADO ?
Why an ordinary junction transistor is called bipolar?
Approximately, what were the sizes of your transistors in the SRAM cell? How did you arrive at those sizes?
Do you know any alternative test automation tools for selenium?
What is a tooltip text?
Explain the difference between shear center flexural center of twist and elastic center?