why C++ Partial Object Oriented Programming Language and C# and Java Fully Object Oriented Language
11 38613Post New Assyst Interview Questions
What is switch case in c++ syntax?
What is swatches palette?
What is the main use of the profile generator?
Why is it called mongodb?
What are the formats in which search result be exported?
what is the meaning of a (new, catlg, keep) disposition mean?
explain the various functions/directives in perl that allow you to include/import a module. Also, state the differences between them.
What PHP stands for?
What is ipc quality?
fuel-air ratio in a petrol engine fitted with suction carburettor,operating with dirty air filter as compared to clean filter will be
What is split ratio in Gc? Splitless? how requirr to select?
What is async pipe?
What is validations and substitutions in sap?
How to fix a munged log in sybase?
What is the purpose of node.js module.exports and how do you use it?