supose 10 times text data is there but it will run 8 times whtat will you do.
Why do the struts tags provide for so little formatting?
What do you know about FI, FII and FDI?
What is check-in?
Is There any way in which a currently living could be mutated in reality to such a large scale as to which others could see the mutation, such as a third arm?
Explain how do you prepare a solution of 1 m hcl?
What does mapping findforward () method return?
What is the terminals definition and function....?
Can we install spark on windows?
How many ways are there for initiating a transaction?
----------------Describe DWH Architecture?
What is the use of keywords in java?
What is runtime error 429 activex?
What are the types of coupling?
How to configure the drives in PLC, through Profibus commnication. And to how to address it?