What is kali linux used for?
Why performance testing is performed? What are tools of performance testing?
Explain the architecture of sap system with different layers. What is the use of gateway?
Why do we use formulas in excel?
What is anonymous block in sql?
What is the difference between long.class and long.type?
What do you mean by web applications? Explain web application directory arrangement?
how can i change colour of a image in aspx file?
differance between ADO vs ADO.Net?
Which animal can produce double milk?
Explain modules in node js?
What does partner connectivity kit enable?
A valve in series with an orifice plate (DP transmitter), is aligned for constant pressure in the pipeline, if there is an error dx, How to align it in process.
what is conceptual model?
in the construction of residential building what type of tank are used?where?why & what is its purpose?