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How to create dynamic gridview?
What are the key benefits of implementing sap s/4hana simple logistics?
How do we know if any query is retrieving a large amount of data or very little data?
What is java ee server?
How many digits is a 32 bit number?
Hai, My name is nisha.I have NIC exam.If anybody Knows NIC previous paper pattern pls send me to nishanairp@gmail.com
Fish in an aquarium require oxygen to live, which is usually done by pumping air into the fish tank using a mechanical pump. If all other things remain constant, the most effective transfer of oxygen to water comes from?
What is a business unit?
What is the difference between the flight of a plane and a helicopter?
What is open sql?
Is struts 1 still supported?
During underground cabling in landscape area what did we cover the cable with to prevent the electric shock & protect the cable?
You want a single output by comining two or more queries. How would you do that?
Garnet is the ore of which element?