Write a floral formula for a flower which has 5 united sepals; a zygomorphic corolla of 5 petals-one large one, two small ones, and two that are united; 9 stamens united by their filaments and one free; and one superior carpel.
7 16852The purest form of water is (A) Rain water (B) Heavy water (C) Tap water (D) Distilled water
19 72379Post New Akash Interview Questions
What are reserved words?
What is buffer header unix?
What is Sqoop?
What are the characteristics of web application?
Does node.js provide any debugger?
What are the advantages of redux?
Tell about your technical profile ?
Explain about cubes?
1)we have 1000 cfm Blower,Dia-1Mtr,Velocity of air 94 m/s 2)We have Natural Air velocity 94m/s 3If i Put Wind Mill in natural air ,speed is 94m/s Then it will generate Assume 100kw 4)If i put same wind mill across the Blower,air speed is same 94m/s now the Question is Will it generate 100 kw?
Can we share a process between windows services?
What are the categories to execute sap background jobs?
What is process of Vendor Reconciliation and which items will be Add and Less from ad per customer books likes step by step 1-Credit Note shown in vendor a/c but not booked in our a/c- Add or Less 2-Debit Note not shown in vendor a/c but booked in our a/c - Add or Less 3-Invoices not booked in our a/c but shown in vendor a/c- Add or Less 4-Payment booked in our books but not shown vendor- Add or Less If our balance is plus or minus rules is same. like 20000, (-20000) Sir, Provide your mobile n for clarify
What does flag mean in java?
Explain the difference between server control and html control.
Mention what are the characteristics of “scope”?