Give the correct entry for below statement. 'A' Securiy charges 395926, Vehicle maintenance 5000 and Mobile charges 1300 and Service tax 12.36% and TDS 2.266% pl give me journal entry
4 7293Post New ABY Taxation Interview Questions
What does cascade and cascading order defines?
What are the steps involved to create a bean?
Explain what do you understand by frames in html?
What is a skewed join?
Explain what is b2c? : insurance cold calling
What is the difference between Join and Keep?
What you understand by richter scale?
can anyone let me know some tips or interview questions on framework manager metadata modeling, creating joins, and all other aspects related to Cognos 8 framework mgr
What is the base class to send the on-boad E-mailing?
What is infoobject otpauth?
What is an i-server?
Can you explain indexing?
What are the benefits that jmeter offers for performance testing?
How is hadoop different from other data processing tools?
What is entrepreneurship in sociology