what is test scenario? write the test scenarios for your project?please tell the answer? The Automobile Dealer Office Automation (ADOA) application fully automates all vehicle sales and service operations. The project will maintain information about vehicles, spare parts, services, customers, sales and invoices. It facilitates to stores info about job cards and it can generate job
3 9748"I LOVE MY COUNTRY" write a c program to get "COUNTRY MY LOVE I" as the output. Use any other programming language. It is not mandatory to use C.
11 32306Post New ABC Infotech Interview Questions
What are the disadvantages of node manager?
What are shared variables in spark?
What is the difference between object { } block and companion object { } code block in Kotlin?
How does postings happen in mm during special periods?
What are content providers?
Name different adapters in AAE and Integration engine in PI system and when they are used?
What is "transparent DBMS"?
What is stsadm?
I am designing new project sub station with 220 kV / 11 kV, 40 MVA capacity. This project have many recifier sets, which can generate 3rd harmonics. Now I have to select vector group of This transformer. To minimise 3rd harmonics, what care should I take in selection of Transformer Vecrtor group? If it is Y-Y with open Delta tertiary then what should be the rating & voltage of Tertiary Winding?
Define Cluster?
What are the two types of records that blockchain database support?
Can I remove .net framework?
What is algorithm in c++ programming?
How do you check your operating system?
Define Banking and what are the other services provided by the banks?