How does an exchange 5.5 site compare to an exchange 2003 routing group or administrative group?
How we format the data before before write statement in report ?
Explain the main aop concepts and terminology.
How to create multiple inheritance in c#, with example?
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Can we make the the chages By Using the Sql if u know any function or process please inform me Actuall result: BRK1 Break 1 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 BRK1 Break 1 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 3 00:01:00:00 60 BRK3 Break 3 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 BRK3 Break 3 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 Desired O/P: BRK1 Break 1 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 Part 3 00:01:00:00 60
How egotistic suicide helps the society in getting rid of the people who are not willing to live?