if i have two tables table1 table2 1a 1a,b,c,d 1b 2a,b,c,d,e 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e how can i get data as same as in tables? how can i implement scd typ1 and type2 in both server and in parallel? field1 field2 field3 suresh , 10,324 , 355 , 1234 ram , 23,456 , 450 , 456 balu ,40,346,23 , 275, 5678 how to remove the duplicate rows,inthe fields?
Wherever (Different Directory) I run the hive query, it creates new metastore_db, please explain the reason for it?
What does sprintf mean?
what is SOA?
What are the types of joins available in reports?
How do AI agents function in orchestration, and why are they significant for LLM apps?
How to write a query with a left outer join in ms sql server?
What happens when two clients try to access the same file on HDFS?
what is the mechanism of action of local anaesthetics?
What is isql in sybase?
Which 64-bit processors are supported by exchange server 2007?
How are reaction rates dependent upon free energy changes?
Name Different Kinds of Debentures According to Conversion?
what is a composite error in current transformers, why occurs & in which it will occur i.e, either metering ct/ protection ct