PVC is obtained by the polymerization of (a) Propane (b) Vinyl chloride (c) Styrene (d) Acetylene
1 7035. Convertibility of the rupee implies (a) Being able to convert rupee notes into gold (b) Allowing the value of the rupee to be fixed by market forces (c) Freely permitting the conversion of rupee to other major currencies and vice versa (d) Developing an international market for currencies in India
4 20976Post New Paramount Interview Questions
Which test will be more severe for VCB?
What is GRIR, GRIR effect, why it is imp, How it is analysed, What is expected out GRIR, What is auto write off & Manual GRIR write off?
What is the extension that we used for silverlight file?
How do you change the system menu (on the Control-Menu Box)?
Explain the concept of "signal to noise," and give a mathematical definition.
Explain the main purpose of ospf?
How do I turn off automatic table of contents?
What is oracle pl sql developer?
What is a pdo connection?
How software tester can use constants and variables in scripts?
How much memory does postgresql need?
In which mode the infotypes can be directly accessed from object maintenance?
I was working on calibrating turbidity transmitters endress+hauser at effluent polishing plant.We calibrated using NTU buffers.What happened is that when we immersed the sensor, everytime we raise and lower the sensor gradually, the reading will vary.my question is that is there any specifications on what is the required distance from the bottom of the container with buffer to the face of the sensor?Is it ok to install the sensor in a medium which has turbulence specially if bubbles are present?
Explain how to access Terminal?
What is hover effect in css? How we can apply on tags?