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127 2120521. Write a function to swap two values ? $a = 10; $b = 20; echo $a, $b; swap(); // If u want u can pass parameters echo $a, $b; // It should print 20 , 10
14 36443Post New Torque Infotech Interview Questions
To view the products and software components, which of the PI component can be used?
How is RDD in Spark different from Distributed Storage Management?
Does hotmail still exist?
Explain what is the smallest unit of execution in .net?
How to show internal storage representation of data structure in RDBM?
When a superior planet is at quadrature in reference to the earth, what is its elongation in degrees?
process by which one bit patten in to another by bit wise operation is? (a) masking, (b) pruning, (c) biting, (d) chopping,
I am interested in how to write Functional Specicification documents to be passed on SAP ABAP Consultants. After the Fit/Gap Analysis the RICEFW objects will be derived and functional specicifications will be written for the ABAPers to work on. I would be happy if anyone could send me examples, templates and explanations. Thanks Jay
Which four data types cannot be used as a return type from a user-defined function?
What are the advantages of pwm control?
How do you implement session management in SQL Server mode?
What is the use of keygen in html5?
How to move uploaded files to permanent directory?
How you fix the blurry images in photoshop?