1.Whats the use of GNAC(Generator Neutral Accessory Compartment) 2. why generator or any other system require Neutral Grounding and not Phase grounding 3. what happens if any one of the phase is grounded. 4. if 15kv is grounded directly what will happen, why it should not be grounded like that 5. use of of NGTR(Neutral Grounding Transformer and Resistor) for grounding is helpfull and how
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i'm testing the webpage with QTP, in this wabpage i have to choose the CV from the window, but QTP can't recognize the object, so i used the Low LEvel Recording, but every time i run the test, QTP go to halt when it gets to the Recorded part, any solution for that?( except puting delay in the script and manuall selecting, because i've did that)
What is the use of stl?
What are Different types of field types?
What is global installation of dependencies?
What happens to Load at yielding ?
What does firstordefault mean in c#?
What does PUT function do?
What is cursors? And what are the different types of cursor?
What is data normalization?
What is bulleted and numbered lists?
How to determine spacing of bars in slabs or beams
Does c-api exist to access sap db?
Do you know any other accounting application?
Explain a time server?
What is jdbc url for mysql?