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4 5734Post New CGCI Manual Testing Interview Questions
How is success in this job measured by you? By the organization?
I, Mrinalini has cleared the IDBI bank PO written test held on 14th nov,2010 n i'm orthopaedically challenged.. this is a special recruitment drive for reserved categories n i'm having my intrview on 27th feb'2011 so plz guide me regarding d preparation for dis intrview..those who hv undrgone such intrviews kindly send d info on my e-mail id:
What is an Oracle index?
What is mongod command?
Which type of welding is used for welding of duplex and super duplex steel?
In many problems the path to goal is irrelevant, this class of problems can be solved using, a) Informed Search Techniques b) Uninformed Search Techniques c) Local Search Techniques d) Only a and b
What is htmlspecialchars?
Can you write a function similar to printf()?
Tell me what is the purpose of using dd() function iin laravel?
why we are using stub column..? is it possible to construct steel stub column..?
What are the steps involved in the process flow of the sql statement through channel attached system?
Explain the jsp life cycle?
What does a shader cache do?
Is material and vendor data available at all organizational levels?
when MSQL8.0 is in market