If we purchase Inter -state any Plant & Machinery for Works contract for completion of a Project and later after completion of the same if we move that material to other State , Can we get "C" form against this material where we have purchased it. Is there any Notification regarding the same . In which circumstances a Works contractor can get "C" Form ? If against "C" Form a works contractor purchased the material and passed on the material via Works contract to the client whetheer Local VAt rate is also applicable on the same .
1 7676Post New Tribeni Constructions Ltd Interview Questions
What is the use of triggers?
Explain how can you estimate a gas flow based on two pressure measurements?
What don't you like about working at Waste Management and what would you change?
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Explain the header data in layout set.
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Define Composition.
Give the mechanism of precipitation?
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What does ubuntu really mean?
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