Hi friends I am sasi,Got selected for Syndicate Bank PO.I dont have any idea about Banking sector.I dont know how to prepare for the interview.Can anyone help me plz
1841Post New Mashreq Bank Interview Questions
Can we create a new field from form customization?
Tell me what is guest posting?
How to create an array in pl/sql?
What is the use of global variable $ in Ruby?
list the structural elements and their functions of frame structure.
what are the data contained in the information record?
Why is windows operating system so popular?
What is comparable interface?
How to connect to a remote database using Applet?
Please tell me some products/services of BHP Billiton.
What is file splitting? When is it used?
Why can it be said that the enzymatic action is highly specific?
Explain natural key?
How do I create a windows 7 professional bootable usb?
What are the procedure for implementing FI Sub Module, like AR, AP, AA etc