i wuld like to join callcenter.i want to know what type of question asked in the interviw.pleas send me that question and answer
3 8995If current liabilities shown in assets side of balance sheet.... what they did wrongly??? how can change the liabilty side from asset side???
2 31898i hav been selected for gd-pi of icici po 2012 may batch. m looking for its interview questions. can ny1 help??
28811 How many tickets usually get per day/month in support ? 2 what is the major ticket in your experience ? 3 what is the tool you are using in your company? 4 in situation we will use Derive roles in support project? 5 One User asked me the TCODE access in support project,he got approvals from all,so shal i create new role or can i add that TCODE in his roles? 6 what is ROLE OWNER? 7 What are the daily activities in your Project ?
2 9784Post New ADI Interview Questions
when MSQL8.0 is in market
What is pure pipe?
What is the purpose of dependency injection?
What are the different dashboards in tensorflow?
Of course, Test Director has recapped as Quality Center. What is the main difference between 8.2 version and 9.2 version of Quality Center?
Can map contain duplicate keys?
What is pip and pip freeze commands will do?
Explain geolocation api in html5.
Why a1% value is used for some product ? What is the criteria for selection a1% value ?
Whats the difference btwn a latch, port,data bus buffer? Do they all not hold data in d flip flops??
how lookup transformation is made active in new versions... When to use connected and when to use unconnected lookup and why? which is good for session performance. How to make lookup persistent and how to remove stale data from that lookup. how commit works - when we stop or abort data. Explain in both cases. What is factless fact table and have you ever used it in real time scenarios.
How to create a Resource only DLL?
Explain HCatInputFormat and HCatOutputFormat?
How do you create new status groups for capital spending accounts and revenue accounts? What are the steps and the T codes used?
What is the maximum size of ms access database?