Tell me something about your favorite movie? Tell me something about your favorite colour? Tell me what u did yesterday? This are question which frequently asked by interviewrs,so if you know please post with correct answers and i rquest you to guys dont make fun of it, it may help anyone who ready this question to get there jobs.
25 433403Post New Kochar Group Interview Questions
how do use session mapping parameters ?(in which transformation)
What is connection pooling in postgresql?
Why do we need static in c#?
What is replication of datasource?
How do you pronounce hermes?
what is the difference between rename and label
what type of a/c these accounts are are tey real, nominal or personal (1)realisation a/c (2)new company a/c(3)equity share holders a/c
1.Have u logical models in project? If s which logical model used? do u connect to production server? 3. how do u test the data in report is same as in DWH? 4. u created one report but there is no data in the attribute. But how can u extract the data from ware house? 5. u have two tables having different ids how do u merge those table in MSTR? 6. have u faced challenging situation in u r project? Give me one example?
What does params interceptor?
How do I copy a path to a shared drive?
List the fundamental oop concepts?
Explain zone in angular?
How can you disable wordpress comment?
What is the java persistence api (jpa)?
how do you generate source code for the automatic generation for receipt number