Difference between 2NF &3NF ?
What is difference between spark and scala?
Can we run STP and RSTP in a same box?
Explain the synchronization points?
What is difference between arrays and pointers?
What are the advantages of creating a model?
What can you contribute to Ralph Lauren?
Explain Reliability Mechanisms in JMS?
I was asked to write a program in c which when executed displays how many no.of clients are connected to the server.
How many type of siebel data model extensions are there?
What are the types of digital marketing?
7-Given an index k, return the kth row of the Pascal's triangle. For example, when k = 3, the row is [1,3,3,1]. For reference look at the following standard pascal’s triangle.
Define breakdown voltage.
what is global tempory table?
Can WinMerge compare folders?