Why main is not a keyword in c?
What are mysql queries?
What is a view and what are its advantages?
how will you segregate the alarm levels in alarm management system during factory Acceptance Test
How do you get help on a unix terminal?
What is the difference between post and pages in wordpress?
Explain controlling area. What are its uses?
This is to know that :- if a candidate having 6 years of pharma sales experience ,MBA[Marketing]degree,sap-sd funtional knowledge and 2 years+ of sap-sd functional experience what would be salary range of that candidate in kolkata as per the industry trends ?
What about instanceof operator in java?
What is the time complexity of arrays sort?
Is it possible for a peopletools 8.4 xs and a peopletools 8.1x database to run on the same machine?
What is the difference between input split and hdfs block?
Where do you find standard reports in hr?
Does tapestry use jsp tag libraries?
Why magento is used?