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2 5467which one is more efficient int x; 1. if(x==null) 2.if(null==x) state which one either 1 or 2?
6 9645how tha garbage collector know that the object will be deleted? on which algorithm the garbage collector works? what is the working principle of garbage collector? How manay types of garbage collectors r there?
1 6502Post New SparkTG Core Java Interview Questions
Tell me what is the difference between the following two lines of code?$('#Mymodalprompt').modal({ keyboard: false });$.fn.modal.constructor.defaults.keyboard = false;?
In javascript what is an argument object?
How do you turn on html5 on safari?
How do I change page border in word?
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Why are jsp pages the preferred api for creating a web-based client program?
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Why do we use void in c#?
When is finally block not called?
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How the virtual functions maintain the call up?
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Why do we need UML diagrams?