What do you mean by term 'cash value'? : insurance sales
What is lazy loading and eager loading?
How long is a page and a half?
Differentiate between static and dynamic cql tables.
What are routines in datastage?
How you can configure orbix logging?
How the c program is executed?
How to assign a mass Tables in Auth Group by using T-code:se54
What is the required action you need to perform if you opt for scheduled maintenance on the cluster nodes?
Does objective c have multiple inheritance? Why not? How to imitate various inheritance?
What are the different types of Caching techniques in ASP.NET?
What is clustering? What is the difference between kmeans clustering and hierarchical clustering?
Difference between Find and Advanced Find? Which one is faster and Why?
Consider a scenario where you have to send an email to a client from the sql database. How do you think you can achieve this task?
What is the d drive used for?