If multi log on parameter value is:1". one GUI user logged in one terminal, and same user id logged on other terminal as GUI, It will ask for Terminate a session if User selected to Terminate it will not to be terminated in SAPĀ
2 4034Post New Willsys Technologies SAP Basis Interview Questions
How may I enrol or get admission to your program?
What is use of application pool in iis?
What is the fundamental idea of oop?
What are examples of a first class lever?
Is django easier than php?
What to do to select element having a particular class (".selected")? : jquery mobile
Can comments be nested?
Can Exception handling we can handle multiple catch blocks?
Differentiate between array list and vector in java.
What is the use of flume in hadoop?
What is ment by record level identifier?
What is the purpose of nested class in java?
How does the data exchange between two systems take place?
What is the difference between the CAs?
How to do find it?