how my subject zoology helpfull in banking sector?
What does ctrl y do?
Which Exchange determine Foreign Exchange/Currency Rate?
Explain fram control?
can any one explain me briefly erp pharma project including all modules,like how to tell this project in interview in terms of s/w testing
what is errection pcbs?
Is razor a programming language?
What is Raspberry Pi in IoT?
Did india have to reduce subsidies provided to its farmers as a consequence of the uruguay round negotiations?
what is a review in a newspaper? : Journalist
am searching for the job based on java, swing, currently working small company. they are not giving any salary slip, offer letter. so if i try outside for MNC's they start with previous company details. what should i do..? please help me to get job and make my career.
What are the file formats supported by spark?
What is wave number?
How to iterate all rows in ColumnFamily?
Mention few test cases and explain them?