any one have C-Dot interview question.....its urgent ...if any one hav..plzz share as soon as possible.
2625Post New cDot Interview Questions
Explain Cucumeber Framework?
Can the data stored in a block modified once it is written? If so, why?
What do heavy weight components mean in java programming?
How do I find out the size of my powerpoint slide?
What is a metastore in hive?
what is contract labour? Pls Spesify in brief, what is PF according to you? What is ESIC according to you? What r the current rate of PF and ESIC?
For The preparation of goverment examination Which book i will prefer and by which way i will do the preparation for exam.
What is a difference between an input split and hdfs block?
Is magento open source?
What is the role of the kafka producer api.
What are the names of fonts?
Explain me how do you send enter/tab keys in webdriver?
Load transfer in 11kv double busbar switchgear - operation.
Which orm does spring support?
What is inner join in mysql?