Post New New India Assurance Company Limited NIACL Interview Questions
How will you see the calendar for specific month say august 1947 in linux?
Explain the scope provided for variables in scala.
Define Data Structures?
How more than one version of an assembly can keep in same place?
What is brown label atm?
How do you implement Ajax using hide() function in JQuery?
What is the operating voltage of laser?
what is meant by co-immunoprecipitation?
Explain Data Type Conversion in Hive?
i learnt .net and would like to know if there is any institute in hyderabad that gives real time knowledge.i worked on testing and planning to move on to .net putting same amount of experience in .net.kindly suggest me the institute and other details.
I got i20 for university of bridgeport,university of new heaven and eastern michigan university.Please tell me visa success rate for these universities.And I want to go to Connecticut.At that place two universities are avaliable one is new heaven and the another one is bridgeport.Which is the best? Please give reply as early as possible.
write a note on Testing the web site
When I check transaction sm37 and I want to see the spool I get a message that says "no list available." Why is this?
Can we run php in apache tomcat?
Explain the difference between slab and beam?