Which is the latest version of android os?
How to get the n-th field from a Unix command output?
What is parameterized constructor?
Can any one explain how we will configure milestone billing , periodic billing and which scenario we will use?
How do you copy formatting in excel?
What does myeloid immunodeficiency cause?
Can a Search can be done on a table with or without Index?
i have scheduled a report in a job in the cognos8.3 which would send the reports to the respective user ,now the repot ran and is sent to the respective user but it contains some unwanted data. So based on the senario can any one tell me that can we recall back the report ??????
What are the classes used as part of struts framework ?
What is header file definition?
Explain get and set accessor properties?
What are hotkeys in windows 10?
How does stack look in function calls? Write a recursive function call, how will the stack look like?
What are your traits that are in line with the company's mission statement?
i am getting an of the type can not convert int to int *. to overcome this problem what we should do?