How to add footnote and endnote in a word?
draw a circuit diagram connecting transformer OLTC- RTCC- VCB-Marshalling Box otherwise Explain in words
i'm testing the webpage with QTP, in this wabpage i have to choose the CV from the window, but QTP can't recognize the object, so i used the Low LEvel Recording, but every time i run the test, QTP go to halt when it gets to the Recorded part, any solution for that?( except puting delay in the script and manuall selecting, because i've did that)
Explain about group policy?
In c++, what is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?
What is product attributes?
Steering handle (round dial) of motor vehicles (CAR,BUS,LORRY) wiil be designing with two cross supports without 180 degree straightness( it will be little bit cross). Why?
What are the advantages of teradata?
Why do we use abstract class in c#?
How many types you defined?
Explain what is page thrashing?
What do you understand by deque in python?
What are some of the different ways to find an element using selenium as a tool?
What is an escape character in java?
What is instead of trigger sql server?