What is the eligibility criteria of C-Form(Manufacturing goods of borewell bits, Hammers, Drilling Tools and Air compressors, etc..). If such company will purchase safety shoes, buyer can eligible to issue C-Form?
5217Post New Atlas Copco Interview Questions
What is level based metrics.how will you create it?
What do you mean by a reservation?
What scheme does the Kernel in Unix System V follow while choosing a swap device among the multiple swap devices?
What is a "Spark Driver"?
How do I duplicate a page?
Explain '->' in perl?
What is the latest version of java?
What are Different IDE editors?
What are the objectives of internal audit?
What is developer sandbox?
Is there a hypothetical situational possibility of an occurance happening in yellowstone which would destroy north america but leave the rest of the world unharmed?
What are the modules in Power Center
Why do I need apache tomcat?
what should be ensure to run the sequence job so that if its get aborted in 10th job before 9job should get succeeded?
What are your specific job requirements in mechanical engineers?