a man sells an article at a profit of 20%. if he had bought it for 20% less but sells at the same price, find the gain %.
2 4343Post New Student General Aptitude Interview Questions
What are the types of transformation in RDD in Apache Spark?
What do you mean by cgi and what are its drawbacks?
How do you copy a table from excel to word?
Explain picture libraries?
What is the difference between a variable and a literal?
What is clrscr in c?
What is tail recursion in scala?
There are five different methods to store persistent data. They are: shared preferences. Internal storage. External storage. Network and __?
What is setter injection?
Can I create a flat file from an IDOC? If Yes , How?
What is an adapter in android?
What is difference between an input split and hdfs block?
how many types of preheaters are in cement industry & what r they can any body explain?
Why blue prism?
Difference between tjava, tjavarow and tjavaflex component in talend?