1.what is the process of purchasing materials in manufacturing company ? 2.What is the difference b/w invoice and Purchase order? 3.How to select,to purchase the best product/material in manufacturing industry?
2 12206Post New Hills Cement Industrial Management Interview Questions
Can you have parameters for static constructors?
interrupt controller
Did QTP prove efficient for your project? Yes or No, explain?
Can you please explain the difference between frame and bounds?
What is table formatting in excel?
How do I disable comments?
What do you know about symput and symget?
is oorexx compatible with ibm object rexx?
please send me hr interview questions in it industry
When you change a database option when will it come into effect?
which subject do you like the best?
How to get a list of columns in an existing table?
How to create a simple node js application?
How is SQL statement processed in SAP HANA?
“A cost may be direct cost as well as indirect cost at the same time. Explain with arguments,whether you agree with the statement or not?” (Answer must be less than 100 words)