Post New BBAU Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Database Management Interview Questions
What are different types that a variable can be defined and their scopes ?
What type of group is not available in a domain that is running at the mixed-mode functional level?
Mention the IN Operator syntax in Neo4i?
What is web jobs in Azure?
How to write multiple statements in a single line in python?
What does async mean in c#?
Our issue is there seems to be a disconnect, or no link, between our SELECT statement and our SD. We had SELECT SORT-FILE and SELECT SORT-FILE ASSIGN TO SORTWRK. ASSIGN TO SORTWRK1 SORTWRK2 SORTWRK3 SORTWRK4. with SD SORT_FILE RECORD CONTAINS 7833 CHARACTERS. In either case, at run time, the system ignored our SORTWRK# DD statements and allocated 16 sort works with the SORTWK## naming convention. Any ideas why the system does not recognize the connection? We do not even need the SORTWRK DD statements. Thanks
How can your application perform actions that are provided by other application e.g. Sending email?
something About virus purification?
what are PEG transfection - parameters?
How the web server interprets php and interacts with the client?
what are myisam tables? : Sql dba
Explain the benefits of infrastructure network?
What is etw iis?
What don't you like about working at Waste Management and what would you change?