What are the causes of having an rmu explode after installation? And how do u treat the bushings of an rmu?
2155Post New JKN Limited Interview Questions
In Quality Center, If we can reuse a non reusable test script as template test, then what is the need of defining reusable test scripts? What additional functionality does Reusable test scripts add when compared to non reusable test scripts?
What are predefined functions?
From which ios version, arc is supported?
What is the current version of Hive?
What was the recent update which google had and what changes would you suggest for it?
how the B-H loop obtain under the static condition
What processes/methodologies are you familiar with?
Can you sort a list in java?
What is gui standing? How to create /edit gui status?
What are the implicit el objects in jsp?
Give two examples of a ‘collision-free’ protocol ?
Is apple the same as microsoft?
What are the great features of spark sql?
hi all, I need the SAS DI DUMP(A00 260) for attending the certification. if any one have, pls provide it.Please Email to vrpotluri@hotmail.com. Thanks - Ramana
35 year old lady with two previous consecutive first trimester miscarriages is found to have a 10 weeks missed miscarriage. How would you manage her?