what are the mandatory properties for a tex boxc (scenario?)
What are the uses of append query?
How to identify a device or a user?
Describe the risk in software engineering.
What is a jsp expression?
How do you sort alphabetically in excel and keep rows together?
if we have 10 identical ball & will have to find the one ball in 3 trials whose weight may be more or less than other.How we can do it.
Can You Prevent Your Class From Being Inherited By Another Class?
what kind of questions based on computer may be asked in an interview in BPO's?
What is video-on-demand?
What are the ways you can do the tuning?
What are the 3 main components of an asp.net mvc application?
Name few of the properties of blockchain?
Does user triggers have entry for trigger with compilation errors?
How will you explain machine learning to a layperson?