Tell me something about your favorite movie? Tell me something about your favorite colour? Tell me what u did yesterday? This are question which frequently asked by interviewrs,so if you know please post with correct answers and i rquest you to guys dont make fun of it, it may help anyone who ready this question to get there jobs.
25 433972Post New Minacs Interview Questions
WHAT IS SAS WEB SERVICE and what are the steps to create an xml service ?
Have you used winrunner in your project?
Define the purpose of the partition function in mapreduce framework
General Topic
Explain what are 5 common problems in the software development process?
How is null defined in c?
What would you personally invest in?
accept ws-date from date will return the current date?
Explain open dataset in sap abap?
Tell me the difference between torque and power?
what is the method for preventing the quicktime player from capturing streaming videos of ios 8 apps on yosemite while screen recording is on?
What is dual table in postgresql?
Do you know how backlink tools work?
What are the keyboard shortcuts used on aix terminal?
What's a PRF?