Tell me why do we need virtual device drivers when we have physical device drivers?
What are the features of jquery used in web applications?
How to retrieve data from database using hibernate and spring?
What are all the prerequisites for posting in a foreign currency?
Please explain what is the difference between findelement () and findelements ()?
How do I turn off data connection in excel?
What restrictions are placed on the values of each case of a switch statement?
What is the meaning of C1, C61, C91 cable
What is a country chart of accounts?
any one can explain about policy file rule? when i connect database with applet then ther is no compile time error but the run time error is occureed.i.e access is denied.policy file rule is related to this problem.
Explain what is tether satellite?
What is metadata in programming?
What is SOX
Is the g in gnu silent?
How to use descriptive programming?